After Pixbet, Penalty and Meliá enter supporting the competition that brings together the main teams in the world

After announcing the sponsorship of Pixbet, World Footvolley announced two new partners for the Footvolley World Cup, which will take place for the first time in São Paulo, from the 14th to the 16th of October.
One of the main manufacturers of sporting equipment in Brazil, Penalty highlights its interest in the sport with the official World Cup ball. In order to consolidate itself as a multi-sport company, the brand aims to further expand its presence in beach sports and identified in footvolley the opportunity to offer quality material at an affordable price.
For the CEO of World Footvolley, Luiz Gomes, the partnership with Penalty shows that there is a world of possibilities in the development of footvolley. The entry of reference brands into the market confirms the potential of the modality and motivates us to continue evolving in building the value of our product.
“For Penalty, it is a pleasure to support the largest footvolley competition in the world, an event that combines the spectacle of professionals with the opportunity for amateur athletes to participate. In this way, we not only encourage the practice of sports but also have direct contact with those who practice the sport”, said Bernardo Caixeta, Marketing and Sports Relations Manager at Penalty.
With a total prize pool of R$40,000 and broadcast on SporTV, the competition will involve teams from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, the United States, Israel and Italy in the men's category, while in the women's , Natalia Guitler and Vanessa Tabarez will seek to defend their title against the best pairs from Brazilian states (RJ, SP, MG, ES, DF, BA, GO and RS).
Adding to the list of partners, World Footvolley has the support of the Meliá hotel chain as the official host of the event, offering special discounts for the public attending the event, tickets with exclusive discounts for guests, in addition to promoting an after-game event in its restaurant/bar. São Paulo Tatuapé Affiliated by Meliá is just 5 minutes from the event location.
Source: MKT Esportivo